About us

The International Youth Forum (IYF) is the founder of the youth festival movement in Europe. The event format of the International Youth Forum (IYF) allows participants to select scenes and countries where competitions and gala concerts are held. The business card of the International Youth Forum (IYF) is the best European scenes and prestigious jury. Participants decide for themselves if they want to perform in front of the audience of one or more European countries.

Festivals – competitions are held on the best venues of the cities of the Czech Republic – the Mascaron Theater and the House of Culture in Teplice, the Congress Hall, the Gybernia Theater and the National House Vinohrady in Prague. The festival jury is represented by honored cultural workers of the Czech Republic and Europe. Festivals in different years were held under the protection of:

  • Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Czech Republic,
  • Under the patronage of the mayor’s office of the cities of Pilsen, Prague, Ceske Budejovice
  • Under the protection of the gateman of the Ustetsky region and the gateman of the South-Czech region
  • Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

The participants of the off-season mid-season festivals manage to visit two resorts of Pilsen and Karlovy Vary, visit Dresden, Decin, Prague, Berlin, and Vienna. Provided entertainment – this water park and disco. Festival tours in Europe with performances in Berlin and Nuremberg and Disneyland. Creative summer festivals-meetings in the south of the Czech Republic with performances in the open areas of cities – UNESCO monuments – Cesky Krumlov and the Hluboka nad Vltava castles, trips to Austria or Italy. International Planners in the Czech Republic for art schools and art studios.

Partner International Youth Forum (IYF) Disneyland, France. Dimploma International Youth Forum (IYF) signed by artists known throughout the world. In 2017, the International Youth Forum (IYF) will be 15 years old, during this period, bright events have a significant impact on shaping the youth culture of Europe. The patrons of the festivals, the authorities of cities and regions, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic support the International Youth Forum (IYF) and officially thank the best teams at their level.

We will be glad to see you as participants of the International Festival Movement representing the culture of your region.

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